Monday, April 25, 2011

10 Things I Love Part II 4/25/11

1. Bellini's (thanks to my mom who served them yesterday)

2. That after 3 years we are finally getting central air-conditioning and some new tilework in the living room

3.  Mack and Manco pizza...Ocean City rocks!

4. When my son says "De End" when he doesn't want to read a book any longer

5. Spring

6. Tulips

7. Pepper Jack Tomato soup from Isaacs

8. living 5 min from this...

9. Wii bowling...I don't play it enough

10. Family....immediate and extended!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter! 4/23/11

I promise to get back on track with blogging after this weekend, until then I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful holiday...easy on the Cadbury Eggs!
 (All photos from Hershey Gardens 4/21/11)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Adding Some Color 4/17/11

Easter flag is up...

Spring wreath is up.....(this is a centerpiece from our wedding reception)

flowers on the front step.....

Now, where is the warm weather?  We've been teased on a few days but we're still waiting.........

Friday, April 15, 2011

Flashback Friday 4/15/11

Easter is next Sunday (April 24th this year).  Last year it fell on April 4th and it is amazing to see how all the trees and flowers had already blossomed.  This spring it has been so cold that we are just now getting some buds on our trees.  I love looking back at last years photos and how small Scott was.  We are looking forward to Easter brunch this year with my family even though it will be during Sean's layover at work.  I'm also waiting patiently for everything to bloom this year....especially the tulips at Hershey Gardens!  Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blogger's Block 4/12/11

I've come down with a case of Blogger's Block....not sure what to write about, no interesting recipes to share today, no quotes, no rants, and no cutsie photos of my baby boy......

ok, maybe just one :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Quotes 4/9/11

"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with.  You may consider yourself fortunate."  -Ann Landers-

"If all misfortunes were laid in a common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart."  - Socrates-

Friday, April 1, 2011

Flashback Friday 4/1/11

It's time to get in shape!  Tonight, I need a motivator.  It's hard to admit that I am the heaviest I have ever been, but I am hoping and willing to change that.  I am posting a photo of how I look now and how I would like to look again sometime in the near future.  I have no goals to be "skinny" because I'm just not built like that, I'll never be "skinny".  I do want to be healthy and that I will make a strong effort to accomplish.  Here's to change!!!!!

The photo on the left was taken this week....BLEH!  The photo on the right was taken before my wedding...ACCEPTABLE!  All I did then was eat less and exercise (mostly walked, a lot)  This sounds so easy, now I just need to believe it's easy.  Hopefully I can update in a month or so with some positive news!
My little boy needs a mom who can keep up with him!