Sometimes I miss college. I miss the late nights with friends. I miss Ripe Tomatoes Pizza. I miss Roe Hall. I miss the Lit house. I miss late nights with friends. I miss going to class. I miss sleeping through class. I miss dining hall french fries. I miss late nights with friends. I miss trips to the beach with my boyfriend (now husband). I miss dates. I miss Tae Bo. I miss my red Geo. I miss crazy plans. I miss last minute research papers. I miss movie nights. I miss late nights with friends. I miss my comfy dorm room. I miss random trips to Manhattan. I miss football games. I miss Snood. I miss dry erase boards. I miss late nights with friends. I miss Wishfest. I miss trips home. I miss NSYNC. I miss NSYNC??? Well sort of. College was a fun, memorable time in my life and I'll always remember those days. It's fun to flashback once in a while.

This photo was taken from my 3rd floor dorm room on a day when we probably had no class. Snow is catastrophic in Delaware! There's my little red Geo Metro!

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