Monday, September 3, 2012

Interview With a Two Year Old

I thought it might be fun to ask Scott these questions every year and compare the answers down the road.  It should make a nice keepsake and something we'll do with Colin when he can talk as well.   

So Scott,

What is your name?  Scott Harrison Smalley

When were you born?  At the hospital

How old are you?  Two

When is your birthday?  November

Who is your mom?  Mama

Who is your dad?  Dada

What does your mommy do?  Plays with computer

What does your daddy do?  He reads his book

What does Mama say?  Let's read a book

What does Dada say?  No jumping on the little couch

What is your favorite color?  Blue

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Food

What is your favorite movie?  The Polar Express

What is your favorite food?  Pizza

What is your favorite snack?  Goldfish

What will you do when you get bigger?  Ride on roller coasters

What is your favorite song?  The Polar Express

What kind of food do you not like?  Steak

What do Mama and Dada do after you go to bed?  Read books

What is your favorite book?  The Polar Express

What is your favorite ice cream?  Mint Chocolate

What is your favorite restaurant?  Chick-Fil-A

Who is your favorite person?  Mama and Dada

Who is your best friend?  Micah

Who is your brother?  Colin

What is your favorite thing to play with?  Trains

What is your favorite vegetable?  Corn and carrots

What is your favorite toy?  Steam engine

What is your favorite drink?  Apple juice

What is your favorite cereal?  Fruit Loops

Do you have any pets?  Crab, fishes and Louie 


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