If you are anything like me you have succumbed to the latest Internet addiction...Pinterest! I'm sure you have an account filled to the brim with pin boards of every type. Travel ideas, style options, recipes, photography...you name it, it's there. I felt it might be fun to pull apart one board every month or so and choose a dozen pins to highlight right here on my blog. After all the time I spend pinning I figured a bit of attention to the actual pins might be nice. Most of the time I don't even change the caption from the previous pinner! We all know it can be a consuming website (or app in my case)...pinning in the passenger seat, pinning before sleep with the iPhone strategically held above your head, pinning while waiting for an oil change, pinning while your kids watch Sprout, pinning in the shower...OK, maybe not the last one. Anyway, today I chose from my "Pretty" board. Check them out...
I love window boxes and this one is absolutely gorgeous! |
A skirt for all those fancy parties I go to...cough cough! |
This beauty will go on my right hand just as soon as my husband wins the lottery! |
So cute, so colorful, so doesn't match anything else in my house :( |
They look like wishies...ya know, white dandelions! |
So glad it's tulip season! |
These cakes are so cute! I love the blue and yellow together! |
Oh, to have a yard full of beautiful hydrangeas...but my 3 plants bloom great every year! |
Almost too pretty to eat...almost! |
I love this. |
If I had the space, I think I'd start a teacup collection. |
B E A U T I F U L Peonies! |
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